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Remedial massage and reflexology during your journey to parenthood can be  a game changer. Due to Harriet's extensive training and experience these sessions can be of benefit in all stages: fertility and preconception, through all three trimesters, preparation for induction, labor and birth and postnatal support.

Holding Hands


Taking care of your body before you try to conceive can make all the difference to your experience falling pregnant and then throughout your pregnancy. An imbalance in your body, hormones, muscles or your nervous system, can have a significant impact. Harriet will use her extensive experience and knowledge to help you find equilibrium and go forth with confidence. 

Prenatal Portrait


From the day you conceive your body is progressively adjusting to provide and allow your baby to grow and deliver your baby at the end of your pregnancy. From one week to the next there will be many changes. Having regular specialised pregnancy remedial massage and reflexology during your pregnancy can make all the difference to your pain and discomfort levels. 

Baby Breastfeeding


Your body goes through a lot to deliver your bundle of joy. Then you are looking after baby 24/7. Muscle tension can build at any stage, leading to aches in your hips, back and shoulders. Booking a session as soon as you feel uncomfortable is the best option. You can have massage straight after your vaginal birth. If your baby was delivered via c-section contact Harriet to discuss your needs before 6 weeks. 

All the benefits

Young Mom
Mother and Baby Sleeping

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Pregnancy Remedial Massage

Pregnancy Remedial Massage is a specialist area of massage that has increased in popularity in recent years. With massage therapists now able to gain great knowledge in the care of women during their pregnancy, women can feel comfortable in the caring hands of a qualified pregnancy massage therapist.

Over the years I have developed my own style of massage that enables me to confidently;

  • reduce back, hip and pelvic pain

  • ease leg cramps and restless legs

  • reduce swelling in legs

  • ease headaches and neck pain

  • improve quality of sleep

The combination of Pregnancy Remedial Massage and Maternity Reflexology is a powerful way to ease many of the discomforts of pregnancy and allow you to feel healthier and more positive about your pregnancy, labour and birth. My clients and their testimonials are backed up by the scientific research that has been undertaken internationally.

Preconception Care

Taking time to prepare your body  for conception can be a very valuable . Ironing out any kinks in your hormones and physical body can make conceiving and your pregnancy much more comfortable and enjoyable. 

If you have muscle tension, pain or a lingering injury, it is best to get this resolved before becoming pregnant. You will carry the pregnancy with much less pain

Receiving hormone balancing reflexology in months leading up to conception can have you feeling much healthier and strengthen your menstrual cycles. The deep relaxation that you experience during reflexology is an added bonus that sets you up well for good sleep and a better state of mind

Labor Priming 

Once you enter your final trimester you will like be having some thought about labor and birth. These days there are a lot of mums who come to the clinic for labor priming. This is generally because they have been told they have been booked for an induction but they would much prefer to go into labor naturally

When you have reflexology sessions in the month leading up to your planned induction the intention is to get your body into the best place it can be for labor and birth. While there is no guarantee of spontaneous labor, previous mums have found that their body was well prepared for induction.

If you would like to know more about how this would work best for you speak to Harriet at your next session or if you are a new client book a First Appointment and talk through your health history and birthing plan with Harriet. 

Maternity Reflexology

Reflexology is very helpful during pregnancy with a number of common pregnancy ailments that it can help with. These include:

  • Gut health - nausea, constipations, indigestion, heart burn, reflux

  • Sleep - ease pain and balance hormones that wake you at night

  • Swelling - reduce swelling 

  • Breathing - allow for easier breathing

  • Pain - ease muscle tension that is causing pain

Maternity Reflexology can also help with 

  • Pre-conception - balance hormones, relieve stress, find calm and ease muscle imbalances in the body. Clients find this can make all the difference to their fertility.

  • Pre-induction and Labour Priming - supporting the body to be in the best shape for labour and birth

  • Postnatal - relief from muscle tension, aches and pains, balance the body now for benefits for the years ahead

Postnatal Care

Over nine months your body works hard to grow a baby and then deliver it into the world. Once baby has arrived your body goes through a process of reversing all those changes. All while you look after your baby; feeding, nappy changing and lifting all day long. There are bound to be times when muscles get tight, weak and uncomfortable

Make a little time for you and relieve this tension and pain. You will feel stronger and more comfortable for it. This will help refill your cup and allow you to feel better in parenthood


Babies are welcome in the treatment room if this helps you get the treatment you need. 

Partner Training for Labor

Whether you partner is super keen or very nervous about being your support in labor and birth, Harriet's short and succinct classes give some key powerful strategies to help your partner feel empowered. 


Included in the classes are:

  • A discussion about you and your partners feelings and wishes around labor and birth.

  • The steps of labor and birth 

  • Key strategies for each step

  • The strategies include massage, reflexology and acupressure.

This class is kept short to avoid overwhelm. Previous participants have found this has kept simple and made practicing in the final weeks easier. The feedback is that both mum and partner felt more confident before, during and after baby was born

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