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Pregnancy reflexology can assist in easing pain during pregnancy

Pregnancy Reflexology

Book Your Pregnancy Reflexology Appointment Today and Discover all the Benefits it can Bring to Your Pregnancy Journey

What is Pregnancy Reflexology?

Pregnancy reflexology is a holistic approach to wellbeing during pregnancy that utilises pressure application on certain points of the feet to promote relaxation and balance in the body.


This therapy is designed to cater to the needs of pregnant women, providing relief from common pregnancy complaints like digestive issues, fatigue, and hip and back pain.


By stimulating reflex points, pregnancy reflexology can enhance blood circulation, reduce stress and anxiety and foster a general sense of well-being.


Pregnancy reflexology is a calming non-intrusive therapy that can be safely practiced throughout pregnancy.

How will Pregnancy Reflexology Help Me?

Pregnancy Reflexology can help to alleviate a number of common pregnancy ailments such as nausea, constipation, indigestion, heartburn, reflux, and swelling.


Additionally, reflexology can help to ease pain, promote better sleep, and allow for easier breathing later in pregnancy.

Pregnancy reflexology can also be beneficial for pre-conception, pre-induction, and postnatal stages.


It can help to balance hormones, relieve stress, and ease muscle imbalances in the body, which can make a significant difference to fertility and how you carry your pregnancy.


For pre-induction and labor priming, reflexology can support the body to be in the best shape for labor and birth.


There have been many clients over the years who have gone into labour prior to their induction date, but I can't guarantee this outcome.


What I do say is that the intention is to have your body ready when you are induced. This will give the induction process a better chance of working well.  


Postnatal reflexology can provide relief from muscle tension, aches, and pains, and balance the body for long-term benefits.


Overall, reflexology is a safe and effective way to support physical and emotional wellbeing before, during pregnancy and beyond.

Reflexology during pregnancy can help ease many discomforts during pregnancy
Foot aches and swelling during pregnancy can be eased with pregnancy reflexology

What to Expect at Your Pregnancy Reflexology Appointment

During your initial pregnancy reflexology session, Harriet will take a thorough pregnancy and health history to guide her on what you need.


This will help Harriet tailor the session to your specific needs and address any concerns or discomforts you may be experiencing.


Harriet will also consider what would be beneficial to you body in the months to come. 


As you progress through your pregnancy, each follow-up session will be a little different, addressing your concerns along the way.


This personalized approach ensures that you receive the most effective treatment possible and helps you manage the physical and emotional changes that come with pregnancy.


Make sure you come in comfortable clothing, allowing you to get the most from the relaxing session. 

How much does Pregnancy Reflexology Cost?

Pregnancy reflexology is a safe and effective way to support your body during pregnancy.


Your initial 60-minute appointment includes comprehensive assessment to ensure that we tailor our treatment to your specific needs. This appointment is $185.


Follow-up 60-minute appointments are $155


Harriet strives to provide affordable and high-quality care to her clients.


Please note that the government does not provide a health rebate for reflexology, so you are not able to claim your health insurance on reflexology appointments.

Your feet, body and mind will be happy at the end of a pregnancy reflexology session
Harriet Berry with her son

Meet Your Pregnancy Reflexology Therapist

Harriet Berry is a highly qualified and experienced reflexologist who specilises in pregnancy care.


Harriet is a mother to three young lads who are now in their teens.


Her own experience of four pregnancies and the pain she suffered had her go on a journey to learn as much as she could to  support others on their journey to parenthood. 


While pregnant with her second child Harriet travelled to the UK to visit family.


She suffered severe back pain and thought she would have the baby there as she couldn't face the long flight home.


She was recommended to see a reflexologist locally.


Harriet was shocked that after just one session her back pain eased and it didn't return for the rest of her pregnancy.


Harriet pledged that she must learn how to do this for others.


To this day Harriet is still amazed at the results her clients experience from their pregnancy reflexology session.

Harriet has a great approach and is very understanding of women’s health
- highly recommend.

I saw Harriet for antenatal reflexology just before delivery from 37 weeks. I had a few concerns which she helped me with and we definitely saw improvements in each symptom. As birth drew closer we focussed on labour preparation and I ended up having a beautifully successful induction of labour and delivered bub no issues.

Book your appointment today

The Zelberry home massage clinic, situated at 24 Jeff Collins Circuit, Bellbird Park, Brisbane, offers pregnancy reflexology services that can help you achieve holistic well-being during your pregnancy.


Book your appointment today to take the first step towards a healthier and more relaxed pregnancy.

Reflexology can make all the difference in pregnancy
Zelberry Maternity logo

Remedial massage and reflexology during your journey to parenthood can be  a game changer. Due to Harriet's extensive training and experience these sessions can be of benefit in all stages: fertility and preconception, through all three trimesters, preparation for induction, labor and birth and postnatal support.

Holding Hands


Taking care of your body before you try to conceive can make all the difference to your experience falling pregnant and then throughout your pregnancy. An imbalance in your body, hormones, muscles or your nervous system, can have a significant impact. Harriet will use her extensive experience and knowledge to help you find equilibrium and go forth with confidence. 

Prenatal Portrait


From the day you conceive your body is progressively adjusting to provide and allow your baby to grow and deliver your baby at the end of your pregnancy. From one week to the next there will be many changes. Having regular specialised pregnancy remedial massage and reflexology during your pregnancy can make all the difference to your pain and discomfort levels. 

Baby Breastfeeding


Your body goes through a lot to deliver your bundle of joy. Then you are looking after baby 24/7. Muscle tension can build at any stage, leading to aches in your hips, back and shoulders. Booking a session as soon as you feel uncomfortable is the best option. You can have massage straight after your vaginal birth. If your baby was delivered via c-section contact Harriet to discuss your needs before 6 weeks. 

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